In my last post I mentioned some of the characteristics I have come to love in my favorite blogs. So in this post, I thought I'd elaborate.
I only recently discovered the scientific blogosphere, and I think this discovery has saved my sanity over the last year or so. I haven't had the smoothest Ph.D. experience, and while I have amazing friends in and out of the scientific community, my network is just too small. Too small in the sense that I only have a few confidants who are also scientists themselves, and most of these people are very close to the same level as myself. So when I face problems, have doubts, etc., my friends are super-supportive and encouraging, but they can't necessarily say: I've been there and I made it though. Enter the blogosphere, and suddenly I can find many, many scientists who have faced similar problems, had similar doubts, and made it through to the top levels of the field. And even more importantly to me, I can read about sceintists who have chosen a life that makes them happy, whether or not that life involves a current "top level" science career.
Now, don't get me wrong, I've also seen and read a number of blogs and comments that are not encouraging. Or at least not encouraging in the sense of "I conquered all and ended up at the top!" I've read so many entries by scientists in the midst of toxic situations, people who have given up on their dreams when faced with a reality they could no longer stomach. These aren't always encouraging, but they are often cathartic and therapeutic in the sense that I realize I'm not alone.
In honor of these blogs that I have come to love, I wanted to give shout outs to some of my favorites. I've been a lurker at all of these blogs, sometimes posting anonymous comments.
Favorite role models:
Janus Professor
Angry Professor at A Gentleman's C
Isis at On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess
PUI prof at The Two Body Problem
Cloud at Wandering Scientist
Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde
Favorite blogs for feeling like I'm not alone:
Ms. Ph.D. at YoungFemaleScientist
Interdisciplinary Introspective
Jenny F. Scientist at A Natural Scientist
PhD Depression
Favorite blogger for a laugh (and a no holds barred opinion)
Comrade PhysioProf
And because I just read it and it made me laugh so hard I drooled,
most hilarious blog entry I've ever read
Isis story about her sparkle hole, discovered via Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde
Note: Now that I have my own anonymous identity (oxymoron, anyone?), I plan to post comments via this new identity, LadyScientist.
Important Note To Self
2 days ago